Book an Appointment at 1. The Northumberland Tennis Academy, NE2 3JU - North Jesmond Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle, NE2 3JU
Please speak to reception on 0191 4350560 if you have any issues booking.
We have 3 clinics to help you - Please scroll down to select which clinic you need. 1. Northumberland Tennis Academy - Jesmond 2. University of Sunderland - City Space- Sunderland 3. 65 Kells Lane - Low Fell - Gateshead.
Some treatments you need to call to book (scar therapy/pilates)
To book online please choose 1 of our 3 clinics.
Are you looking for a physiotherapy and sports injury clinic that demonstrates world class physiotherapy expertise? Then come and visit us.
The core values of The Performance Clinic are to be dynamic and proactive. The focus on each individual athlete with a special level of care and consideration will ensure world class physiotherapy service provision that is above and beyond your expectations.
We diagnose, treat, educate and help prevent many diverse conditions. Whether you are injured or not, we will give you the tools in the form of stretches, exercises, training advice, footwear recommendations to prevent injury and to realise your performance goals.
Physio can be beneficial at the first sign of a problem and can stop a minor niggle developing into a major problem. Research has proven that people who seek physiotherapy early after an injury have shorter recovery periods than those who wait. Our clinicians are expert in assessing movement patterns and biomechanics and provide appropriate treatments to correct these patterns to to minimise risk of further injury and to enhance your performance.
We are Chartered Physiotherapists, registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC), Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) and the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (ACPSM).
Massage Therapy: Sports/ Shiatsu/ Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Massage Practitioners at The Performance Clinic will be able to identify the most appropriate treatment plan for each individual, providing a tailored soft tissue treatment specific to your needs.
There are many benefits that can be directly linked to the application of massage therapy including:
Improve circulation & lymphatic flow.
Assist in the removal of metabolic waste.
Sedate or stimulate nerve endings.
Increase or decrease muscle tone / length.
Remodel scar tissue when required.
Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation.
Select a treatment
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Located at: N Jesmond Ave, Newcastle
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Need Help? 01914350560